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Dear FP7 National Contact Point, 

The Commission plans a next major step towards a fully electronic administration of EU research and innovation grants. In 2012 the paper-signed financial statements (the so-called “forms C”) for grants in the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) should be replaced by electronic-only forms submitted via a secured IT system in the Participant Portal. For preparing its introduction, the Commission services want to discuss the main features of the planned new approach and the potential impacts on internal processes of beneficiaries. A meeting with a representative group of future users will take place in Brussels on Thursday, 15 December 2011 from 14:00 to 17:00.


To gather feedback from a broadest possible number of interested parties, the event will be webcast. The video will be available during and after the meeting (for a duration of  two months) at the following location:


Anybody can contribute to the discussion during the meeting, by sending e-mails to the address indicated next to the video stream. There will be a questions& answers session towards the end of the meeting where we will react to the contributions.


It will also be possible to give feedback after the meeting; a Web forum specifically dedicated to the follow-up of this event will be available at the following location:


Please note that this forum will be locked at the end of February 2012.


Please distribute this information as widely as possible to FP7 beneficiaries in your constituency. We are looking forward to receive the broadest possible feedback so that the future processes and IT systems for electronic-only submission of FP7 financial statements ("forms C") can be prepared according to the needs of the users.


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